Dynamic, Search-based RSS feeds
For the current application I am working on, I needed the ability to generate RSS feeds on the fly. Users have the ability to search for a lot of different information, and I needed to provide them with a way to save that search via an RSS feed. To see how I went about performing basic search, see here.
In my controller, I started by adding the ability to respond_to rss:
# GET /search
def search
@models = Model.search_page params
respond_to do |format|
format.rss { render :layout => false }
Next, in my routes.rb file, I added a specific route for the dynamic search.
map.search_rss '/search.rss', :controller => 'models', :action => 'search', :format => 'rss'
This provided me with the method search_rss_path, which I was able to use in my view. I attempted to use the route that I already had:
map.search '/search', :controller => 'search', :action => 'search'
With something along the lines of search_path(params, :format => ‘rss’), and that ended up being a very bad thing. This was a bit ago, and I can’t recall at the moment why that wasn’t working, but I do recall that it just ended up being easier and nicer to just add one more route in my routes.rb file.
Continuing on, in my search.html.haml file, I have both a direct link and the auto_discovery link for the search generated RSS:
= link_to("RSS for this Search", search_rss_path(params))
- content_for(:extra_header) do
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, {:controller => 'models' , :action => 'search', :format => 'rss', :params => params}, {:title => 'RSS for Search Result Model Listings'})
The content_for :extra header is just an “extra header” area in my application.html.haml file:
= yield(:extra_header)
Finally, don’t forget to include the search.rss.builder file in your view folder:
xml.instruct! :xml, :version=>"1.0"
xml.rss "version" => "2.0" do
xml.channel do
xml.title "Search results"
xml.link search_rss_path(params)
xml.description("Description here")
xml.language 'en-us'
unless @models.empty?
model = @models.first
xml.lastBuildDate model.posted_at_rss
for model in @models
xml.item do
xml.title h(model.title)
xml.description h(model.description)
xml.pubDate model.posted_at_rss
xml.author "some author"
xml.link model_url(model)
xml.guid model_url(model)
All-in-all, it ended up being very easy to implement dynamic, search-based RSS feeds.