Ludum Dare 24: Evolutionary Chocolatier
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See concept and instructions below
You're a run of the mill chocolatier. But you want to make it big. You need to learn, adapt, and evolve, if you want to make the big $$$.
Select your ingredients from the ingredients area. You can select up to 6 (different) ingredients. Once you have selected your ingredients, press the -> button in the prep area.
Next, turn on the stove and let it begin... then start making the next chocolate. Once a chocolate achieves temperature between 95 and 99, turn off the burner to let it begin tempering (this is lower than what you would do in real life).
Once the temperature drops back down between 88 and 90 degrees, press the -> button for the corresponding stove to send it to the molds. Don't let it drop below 88 degrees or you'll have to reheat it back to 105!
Sell off the chocolate once it's cooled in the mold and make serious $$$!
Gameplay things I wanted TODO, but didn't have time
- Implement levels => actually, you know, evolve
- Implement tickets => patrons would ask for a specific type of chocolate and you had to make it in time
- Implement difficulty => different chocolates would be harder to make, based on your evolutionary chocolatier level
- Require user to stir in the chocolate and stir while tempering
- Buy/restock different ingredients based on the level
- Many, many more...
Keyboard Shortcuts
First click inside the canvas, then you can use keyboard shortcuts
- 1-6: add corresponding top row item of chocolate
- QWERTY: add corresponding 2nd row item of ingredients
- ASDFGH: add corresponding 3rd row item of ingredients
Known Bugs
- Pressing a button and holding it continues to press the button. This results in error messages such as only one chocolate can be added, even though you only pressed a single chocolate.
- Deleting an ingredient from the prep board that isn't the last ingredient added may result in all ingredients after the one selected being deleted.
- The color of the chocolate in the stove and molds doesn't match the selected type.