Enter... if you dare.
The Social Network is a text-based battle game created for Ludum Dare 22 by David Parker.
Created on OSX 10.6.8. Tested on Safari 5.1.2, Firefox, 8.0.1, and Chrome 16.0.912.63.
All pictures Creative Commons from Flickr.
You're just too damn popular. You've never felt more connected... but you've never felt more alone. Don't they all just understand that you need to get away???
Your objective is to hurl insults, rumors, and more at your so-called acquaintances, friends, and family in order to remove social ties. De-friend everyone and you'll win by getting your alone time. Don't and you may never have a minute to yourself ever again.
You play the game by hanging out with acquaintances, friends, and family. When you hangout, you insult them until they de-friend you. Use your Wit to use advanced Hateful Communication Tactics (HCT). As they de-friend you, you gain more Peace and Quiet which helps you level up and earn more ability points. Using ability points allows you to get better HCT's. But watch out, you don't want to get your own Feelings hurt!